Next steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation

during Covid 19 Pandemic and Recovery





1.     In paragraph 2.6 of the recommendations, below, the recommendation will be replaced:


2.6           That Housing Committee note the low number of verified rough sleepers (para 3.23) and that the Council will continue to seek to offer accommodation to all verified rough sleepers to whom a duty is owed

to consolidate this achievement.


The recommendation will now read:


2.6           That Housing Committee note the low number of verified rough sleepers (para 3.23) and that the Council will continue to seek to offer accommodation to all verified rough sleepers where this is permissible within the Council’s powers to consolidate this achievement.


Revised recommendations to read:

2.1 That Housing Committee note the progress to date.


2.2 That Housing Committee note the continued role of the Homeless Reduction

Board in monitoring progress on meeting the conditions of NSAP funding and next steps.


2.3 That Housing Committee note the move on projections outlined in the report for those clients covered by Next Steps Accommodation Funding (Covid-1 in the report) and the continued emergency accommodation requirements for this cohort beyond 31st March 2021.


2.4 That Housing Committee note the move on projections for those assessed as at risk of rough sleeping who we have continued to accommodate (Covid-2 in the report) and the ongoing emergency accommodation requirements of those we have housed during the on-going pandemic into the new (2021-22) financial year.


2.5 That Housing Committee agree that by 21st June 2021, the accommodation offer to those assessed as at risk of rough sleeping made for the duration of the pandemic (Covid-2 in the report) is ended where no accommodation duty is owed by the council as outlined in paragraphs 3.11 – 3.13. This to be reviewed if there is a further increase in the pandemic.


2.6 That That Housing Committee note the low number of verified rough sleepers (para 3.23) and that the Council will continue to seek to offer accommodation to all verified rough sleepers where this is permissible within the Council’s powers to consolidate this achievement.


2.7 That Housing Committee agree Homeless Reduction Board oversee progress

with the recovery of homelessness services, including face to face services, income recovery, move on and reconnections with a report on progress to the next Housing Committee.


2.8 That Housing Committee recommend referral to Full Council the use of the

Homeless Bill of Rights, as outlined in paragraph 3.24, as a standard against which the Council and its partners judge our policies and practices. Appendix 2.


That Housing Committee recommend to Policy & Resources committee:


2.9 That the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities be granted delegated authority to secure accommodation up to the 31st October 2021, by entering into contracts to extend existing arrangements or alternative arrangements where necessary to extend the provision of shorter-term/interim accommodation acquired in response to the Covid 19 pandemic, including a building to deliver the No Second Night Out service up to the beginning of October 2021


2.10 Agree to continue to support people in the accommodation secured as para 2.9 which includes security, support and food where necessary estimated to cost £2.900m to 1st October 2021.


2.11 Note that if Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) funding is not available, this could create a service pressure of £2.043m.


That full Council be recommended to:


2.12 Agree to the use of the Homeless Bill of Rights, as outlined in paragraph 3.24, as a standard against which the Council and its partners judge our policies and practices. Appendix 2.